
census - connectivity

Under the auspices of AGSA(Alliance of Global Sindhi Associations, Inc., U.S.A)


Registration form - Phase 2- CONNECTIVITY

Before completing this form, please familiarize yourself with the project by reading Home Page, Project Scope, How it Works and two types of Registration forms. The Connectivity Registration form works with each Hindu Sindhi individually, whoever has first been Registered for Census and has obtained his or her own Census ID number, The Connectivity will not work without Census ID. The system will verify and if you are not registered on Census you would be diverted to Register for Census first before coming to Register here for Connectivity. Each Registrant on Connectivity requires his or her own email ID and Mobile phone number for verification purposes. The effort here is to bring all Hindu Sindhis in the World together for Connectivity strictly in each one's Private Confidentiality. Sikh Sindhis and those whose one of the parents backing from prior five generations was or is a Hindu Sindhi may opt to and may be accepted for Registration in the Connectivity.

The project includes their siblings, kiths and kins wherever born or now living. All Hindu Sindhis in the world of whatever age, gender, profession/classification are requested to join in and Register on Connectivity programme individually in their strictly private confidentiality and re-act with Co-Registrants for friendship, life time partnership, profession or business.

This is a PILOT project initially intended for 5 years, subject to be reviewed by the organizers from time to time. In order to make this self- supportive, a one time donation of US$10 for 5 years is sought from each registrant.

Connectivity between members is secure and strictly private. This system will not keep copies of any messages transmitted through it. The Registrants are encouraged to send only introduction through this system; strictly to one at a time. After making contact, they are requested to communicate with each other in their own private arrangement. To avoid SPAM, this system does not allow to send CCs, BCCs or multi-mailing.

A small part of the Data such as Registrant's Title, Gender, Full name, Year of birth, profession/Classification, Country of current domicile will be visible to Co-Registrants on Phase 2, who have signed in with two Passwords, it will not be visible to any other visitors to Website. To protect Registrant's privacy, the Contact details like Email IDs Phone numbers, physical address of the Registrant, shall not be visible to anyone any time. The Connectivity Registration is subject to Registrant's acceptance of Disclaimer Clause which appears at the bottom of the Registration form.

Please enter your Census Number :

(Census ID was sent to Primary Registrant in the welcome email of the phase 01 registration)

(This id will be confirmed in the database, if not found, the Registrant will be asked to get the ID from primary registrant, if not registered on Census before, to register in census separately)

The registrants under 21 years of age shall be auto transferred to the applicable age group every year till they attend the age of 21.