
census - connectivity

Under the auspices of AGSA(Alliance of Global Sindhi Associations, Inc., U.S.A)


Both AGSA and respect all religions because all of them lead to one and the only God!
However, this project is meant for those Hindu Sindhis who, as a result of chaotic situation that arose almost immediately after 1947 partition of India, left their ancestral lands and properties in Sindh and went to live in places all over the world, wherever destiny took them for safety of their lives and earn some money for their family's well being. And today, even after more than seven decades, they continue to live completely dispersed throughout the world, as a Landless and Stateless community!

Unlike back in Sindh pre-partition days, where we all lived close to each other as a large community, today our families are separated and live far away from each other, and parents, brothers and sisters travel halfway across the world to see each other.

Living in several cities around the world, amidst multi cultures, languages and environments, financially we have had great success, we have also earned respect and acceptance from the local societies; however, our children’s education of Sindhi language has suffered, they either never had an opportunity to learn or have forgotten to speak Sindhi. They learned to speak the local language wherever they live.

Besides our language, we have also been rapidly losing awareness of our Cultural Heritage of ancient Indus Valley Civilization and our family and Community's relationship and traditional values. Cousins are becoming 'aliens" to each other. Living distances away across the world, our young ones experience difficulty to find mates in the Community; dowry system is getting escalated, and multi inter-racial matrimonies are becoming more frequent than ever before.

This sure causes our community to dismantle and may fast merge with foreign cultures. Unless checked and strong measures are taken to bring the Community closer together and our young ones are trained and remain faithful to the Community and for the sake of creating heirs for the future of our Community realize the importance and marry within the Community, may be ten generations ahead or sooner, our cultural heritage chain might be broken, language forgotten and Hindu Sindhi community might disappear from planet earth, perhaps only our fossils remain for historical explorations and putting them into the Archives of the Dead!

AGSA is doing its part connecting the Community through it's annual International Sindhi Sammelans since 1994.

AGSA also conducts Workshops on Teaching of Sindhi language at the said Sammelans through produced by a team of volunteers, with tutorials fully supported by Audios for learning of correct pronunciations of Sindhi words.

Yet Sindhis still lack a State in their parental land of India which could take care of all Community's issue on State level. The fact is that it is only Sindhis who sacrificed their ancestral lands in order to win independence of India. Some stalwarts of Sindhi Community tried to achieve a Sindhi State in India but unfortunately no success has been achieved yet.  All States in India have been kind to have given us good shelter for living, but it seems unpractical for any State to slice away their State's land for creation of sindhi State in India.  Unless a miracle happens, alternatives or reclaimed lands seem to be the only option for Sindhis in India to make their Homeland. 
No one could predict how many decades or centuries would take for a Sindhi State to come up in India.  Meanwhile our Community remains dispersed and suffers. 

What next then to bring Globally dispersed Hindu Sindhi Community closer together? World is going 'Digital" now. It is a way of life. We follow the trend!

To do anything sensible for the dispersed Community, it is important to know first how many we are and where we all are!  Because we do not have our own State anywhere in the World, no Census was ever conducted of our Community ever since 1947 partition of India.  There have been guess works but each one varied from the other one vastly.  Therefore, it is important first to conduct Census of Globally dispersed Hindu Sindhi Community.

Project of covers: 1. Census of Globally dispersed Hindu Sindhi Community. 2.  Connect them individually to each other in their own privacy and thus bring the Community closer together.

We commenced on this project more than a year ago but it was delayed due to Covid19 lockdowns.  But we are pleased to announce that it is now hosted.

We request all Hindu Sindhis of whatever age, gender, profession or classification, place of domicile or nationality to register for Census ONLINE, free of any costs, and you may then continue to register in Phase 2 Connectivity program.

During the Lockdowns we saw many good things happening Digitally Live over Face book on which we congratulate all Organizers, Artists and Anchors who have made it possible and continuing to do so. This has been a wonderful platform for Hindu Sindhi celebrities coming into wider exposure. They are the jewels of our Community and we heartily compliment them and encourage them to please continue doing such wonderful work.  

However, still needs to connect hundreds of thousands of Globally dispersed Hindu Sindhis, who are watching these shows or are unaware of these shows.

Please join us to connect them all, each one to another and bring the Community closer together.
Jai Jhoole Laal.
Arjan Daswani based at Singapore
Project Founder"Life Chairman"and an AGSA Director.

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Registered for census

Register for Census for free and be a part of Global Hindu Sindhi Organization.



Registered for Connectivity

Register for Connectivity to remain in touch with the community.



countries from the world

Hindhu Sindhis connecting from all over the world through this platform.